Research Assistant Professor
djallen@email.unc.eduCV / Resume (pdf)
Danielle J. Allen, Ph.D. is a qualitative researcher at the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina (EPIC) and a Project Director with the Equity Research Action Coalition (ERAC), and research, policy and strategy support for the North Carolina State Board of Education. Her research examines the role of Black faith communities in advocating for and providing high quality educational opportunities for students and families as well as the broader role Black churches play in advocating for social, political, and economic justice for Black families and communities. In her work with the State Board of Education, she supports state-level efforts to address equity within education, particularly as it relates to special education and teacher diversity. At EPIC, Dr. Allen conducts high quality program evaluation on initiatives related to school improvement and educator preparation. She has previously secured funding from organizations such as the American Educational Research Association and MDC, Inc. to support her research and scholarship.
She has a B.A. in English and African-American Studies and a Ph.D. in Education Policy, Leadership, and School Improvement from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Masters in Teaching from Georgia State University.